Hey y'all! We are Hailey and Jeremy Aliff (h + j). Watch this video to get to know us and where Apex Living came from!
Jeremy is a realist, Hailey is a dreamer. Jeremy is freaking hilarious, Hailey laughs at his jokes. Jeremy is business-minded. Hailey is science minded. Jeremy is a homebody. Hailey loves to travel. Jeremy comes from a small family. Hailey comes from a big family. Jeremy is an entrepreneur and plays every sport under the sun. Hailey is a doula and a childbirth educator and thinks walking her dog is the best form of exercise out there.
We are a husband/wife team who travels and works together full time. We teach others about health and wellness, namely through the use of essential oils and Young Living plant-based products. We also talk business, finances, and pursuing a lifestyle of freedom. We share a love for Jesus, good food, good music, and our family and friends. We are laid back, go-with-the-flow kind of people. We live simply, believe in the power of speaking life, and we are passionate about helping people live their best life.
We created Apex Living to be a community of like-minded people. This idea of "bettering yourself each day" is much easier said than done. We realized early on in our marriage that in every aspect of our life that we wanted to be better in was going to take intentional work. It's easy to get overwhelmed with life. It's easy to give up. Reaching for the Apex happens in the mundane of every day life.
“You were made to conquer mountains.”
We travel all over and speak about Apex Living! We focus a lot on wellness because we believe it is a huge part of living our best life. We co-run a team of over 25,000 members with Young Living Essential Oils where we train, teach, and mentor people on how to take charge of their health as well as their finances.
We would be honored if you joined us on this adventure called life. We are all figuring it out, one day at a time. As you reach for the Apex, you begin to achieve your goals and see your dreams fulfilled. There are multiple ways to join us in this Apex Living movement. You can join our Young Living team, be a part of our Facebook group, or simply just follow along on our journey between Instagram, our YouTube Channel and our blog. We are here to help you Reach for the Apex!