Make Beauty Monday

Here are a few ideas of how you can explore self-care today.

+ Create something today
+ Spend 10 minutes drawing or doodling -- even if you think you "can't"
+ Knit or crochet
+ Spend time coloring (Hello adult coloring books!)
+ Work on an art project
+ Work on a house decorating project you've been putting off. Just make 1 or 2 steps towards it!
+ Paint a rock
+ Make jewelry
+ Let your inner poet come out
+ Blow dry your hair and put on some mascara, just because
+ Write a meaningful letter to someone
+ Take some pictures of beautiful things
+ Be inspired! Draw, write, create, make beauty

Share with us on social media how you're exploring #selfcareseptember!

Don't forget to use the hashtags: #apexliving247 #30daysofchange